
Monday, October 29, 2012

Frente Menonita

Announcing The Front for the Defense of the Mennonite Colonies Civil Association of Chihuahua

en fer'ein

Dueck sworn in as president of Frente Menonita, courtesy La Cronica de Chihuahua
    Noting heightened tensions between Mennonite settlers and their Mestizo neighbors in Mexico's state of Chihuahua, complicated by recent rumors that at least small numbers of settlers are now seeking to immigrate out of Mexico, either to Canada or central Russia, the Mennonite colonies have now formed a new organization to promote unity, dialogue, rights, cooperation and philanthropy amongst the region's Russian Mennonite population.

    Generally, this is both welcomed and sad news.  The welcoming is that it is probably not only long overdue for the existence of such an organization (especially if it is able to speak on behalf of all ethnic Mennonites regardless of conference or denomination), but also indicates the need for other global pan-Mennonite organizations such as Mennonite World Conference and Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) to again review their leadership of the pan-Mennonite diaspora and to continue a commitment to ethnic and cultural preservation, above and beyond still needed foci on evangelism, spirituality and social justice for others.

 "We will promote unity amongst the Mennonite colonies to help loosen the mood and look towards establishing agreements with other groups through dialogue," Dueck.

    The sad news is that there is a need for yet another group to be founded.  Mexico is a modern democracy with civil rights commitments not unlike those found within the United States and Canada.  It would seem that the need for groups such as the Front would be superfluous and unnecessary.  Such is apparently not the case.

    Also, one cannot but help consider that the current devolution of pan-Mennonite global groups and conferences into nationalized bodies might not be the best solution for an increasingly integrated global culture.

    Regardless, this is an important and necessary step by Mexico's Mennonites, somewhat reminiscent of other attempts to self-organize those of Mennonite culture and faith and to provide leadership to an often factious and disjointed unity.  

    Obviously, the prayers and cultural support of all ethnic and faith Mennonites goes out to Dueck and the Front with the expectation that they will not only bear witness of the continued Mennonite culture and faith in Mexico, but perhaps also indicate better structures to their brothers and sisters in other parts of the world -- both ethnic and religious.

Ciudad Juarez
Founding of The Front for the Defense of the Mennonite Colonies Civil Association
The Mexican
October 27, 2012

Jesus Manuel Ruiz / El Heraldo de Chihuahua (trans by Steven Wall w Google Translate)Chihuahua, Chihuahua.-state 

    Mennonites have formed the Front for the Defense of the Mennonite Colonies Civil Association, with which they intend to study and address the issues that affect them, maintaining a constant dialogue with the different levels of government and also to promote philanthropic campaigns.
     Bernhard Dueck Kornelssen was sworn, before the Secretary of the City of Cuauhtémoc, as president of the body that would integrate to virtually all of Chihuahua's Mennonites, some 90 thousand people.On October 24, 2012 at 19:30 pm in the auditorium of the Colony "The Jagüeyes" Namiquipa Township, the Mennonites held the constitutional meeting of the "Defense Front Mennonite Colonies State Chihuahua, AC "where Dueck received the majority of votes to assume the presidency from representative of the colonies.Taking on responsibility of leading the new civil partnership, the new executive staff will includes the President, Judith Marín Loya Elda as technical secretary, and Isabel Dominguez Caraveo as treasurer, who will leave the post after the Mennonites acquire the ability and knowledge to fill their own posts.
    The City Council Namiquipa secretary, Hilda Burciaga Dina Tovar was responsible for making a protest against the need for the new organization on behalf of Mayor Jesus Manuel Ortega Meraz.In an interview in El Heraldo de Chihuahua, Bernhard Dueck said the main intention is to open channels of communication between the three levels of government to look for alternative solutions that impact the Mennonite community of Chihuahua State."We will promote unity amongst the Mennonite colonies to help loosen the mood and look through dialogue and agreements with other groups.  We require that our voice in the various levels of government will also be taken into account, and so we are organizing for this to be possible, with the aim to build [for the future]," he said.He added that "also important to the Front will be the increased collaboration of the Mennonite colonies in the work of philanthropy and helping the poor, first in our town and then other municipalities in the state."He explained that the spirit of the Front for the Defense of the Mennonite Colonies AC is the same that prompted the arrival of the Mennonites in Chihuahua -- work, good will, and peaceful coexistence for a "better life for our families."


Ruiz, Jesus Manuel - Nace el frente de defensa de Los menonitas
Nace el frente de defensa de Los menonitas
El Mexicano
27 de octubre de 2012

Jesús Manuel Ruiz / El Heraldo de Chihuahua

Chihuahua,Chihuahua.-Los menonitas del estado constituyeron el Frente de Defensa de las Colonias Menonitas Asociación Civil, con el que pretenden estudiar y atender los temas que les afectan, mantener un diálogo constante con los diferentes niveles de Gobierno y también impulsar campañas filantrópicas en la zonas más humildes de la entidad.

Bernhard Dueck Kornelssen rindió protesta, ante la Secretaría del Ayuntamiento de Cuauhtémoc, como presidente del organismo que estarían integrando a prácticamente todos los menonitas de la entidad, unas 90 mil personas.

Fue el 24 de octubre de 2012 a las 19:30 horas en el auditorio de la Colonia "Los Jagüeyes", del municipio de Namiquipa, donde se llevó a cabo la primera asamblea constitutiva del "Frente de Defensa de las Colonias Menonitas del Estado de Chihuahua, AC", en donde Dueck tomó posesión de la presidencia al obtener la mayoría de los votos de los representantes de colonias.

En la responsabilidad de conducir la nueva asociación civil, le acompañan al presidente: Elda Judith Marín Loya, como secretaria técnica, e Isabel Domínguez Caraveo como tesorera, quienes dejarán el cargo luego de que instruyan a los menonitas en los aspectos técnicos para cumplir con la función del cargo.

La secretaria del Ayuntamiento de Namiquipa, Dina Hilda Burciaga Tovar, fue la encargada de tomar la protesta en representación del alcalde Jesús Manuel Ortega Meraz.

En entrevista concedida en El Heraldo de Chihuahua, Bernhard Dueck señaló que la intención principal es el abrir canales de comunicación entre los tres niveles de Gobierno para buscar alternativas de solución que aquejan a la comunidad menonita que habita en la entidad.

"Fomentaremos la unidad entre las colonias menonitas y buscaremos destensar los ánimos mediante el diálogo y los acuerdos, porque requerimos que nuestra voz en los diferentes niveles de Gobierno también sea tomada en cuenta, nos estamos organizando para que esto sea posible, siempre con el ánimo de construir", explicó.

Agregó que "también ponderaremos el incrementar la colaboración de las colonias menonitas en las labores de filantropía y ayuda a los más pobres, primero de nuestro municipio y luego de otros municipios del estado".

Explicó que el espíritu del Frente de Defensa de las Colonias Menonitas AC es el mismo que impulsó la llegada de los menonitas a Chihuahua, el trabajo, la buena voluntad, la convivencia en paz y "mejores condiciones de vida para nuestras familias".

see also:

Frente Menonita

la cronica de chihuahua - Forman frente de defensa de los menonitas 


  1. I am very interested to read more information on Mennonites moving to Kazachstan (not sure if I havevthe correct spelling).

  2. I have posted an update as of 02 Nov 2012. Thanks for your interest. 'tag
